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Type: Craft Beer
Sku: 17613
Availability: In stock Out of stock

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HazelNut Brown Nectar is a nutty twist to a traditional European Brown Ale. Dark brown in color with a hazelnut aroma, a rich nutty flavor and a smooth malty finish. Dedicated to the homebrewer in each of us--the homebrewer who inspired this creation is Chris Studach, a friend of Rogues resident wizard John Maier, who added a Northwest twist to the classic style by adding hazelnuts for the host homebrew at the 1993 American Homebrewers Association convention. Chris put the nut in nut brown!Hazelnut Brown Nectar Ale is a blend of Great Western 2-row Pale, Munich, Hugh Baird Brown, Crystal 8 and Crystal 135, Carastan, and Beeston Pale Chocolate malts; hazelnut extract; Perle and Saaz hops. HazelNut Brown Nectar is available in a 22-ounce bottle, a special commemorative 3-litre bottle with ceramic swing-top, and on draft.

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